Case Study
The Proof is in the Pond
Mascot/Nickleplate Mine, Hedley BC, Canada.
The initial prototypes were developed and tested at Mascot/Nickleplate Mine (currently owned by Barrick Gold) in 1999, in Hedley BC, Canada. The goal of the project was to harness and dramatically accelerate the natural process of evaporation, while sequestering any and all contaminants from the pond, allowing the site to undergo bioremediation, and return to it’s natural state.
- Tailings Pond Location at 4700 feet above sea level
- Humidity Level 50-60%
- Average temperature of 70 Degrees F in July and August
- Project completed two years ahead of budget.
- 46 day cost recovery of evaporator purchase
- Savings of $100,000/month in budgeted dewatering costs
- Eliminated 120 million gallons of water in unlined ponds
- Evaporation of 769,824 gallons of water per evaporator unit
The Mascot Mine in Hedley BC, in 1999
Slimline Engineers developed and tested the original prototypes between 1999 and 2003.
The original site of the tailings pond at Mascot Mine is not returned to near original conditions.